101 MUET Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for MUET Report Writing

This blog post about MUET report writing was written since 2014.

However, for the year 2020 format updates, kindly watch the Webinars below from two different speakers via YouTube, or just scroll down for more insight. 






Prefer reading than watching the videos above?

Here goes…. There are so many web links on the Internet that promote How to write a better report (MUET report writing in particular). In fact, different set of questions require a specific know-how so that one will be able to write a decent report; or may be a much more better report.

To do MUET report writing, the focus should be given more on producing syntheses from the given stimuli OR providing relevant analyses. If one could NOT synthesise, JUST analyse. There is NO specific requirement for the candidates to write a number of syntheses plus some analyses, vice versa. The candidates may focus on either writing the analyses only or syntheses only.

Bare in mind, synthesizing is much tricky. Reason being, if 1 synthesis statement is not relevant or wrong, it could in fact affect the rest of the syntheses in the report.

So,what do we need to do?

Know the format. The items like Title, Introduction, Overview / Overall trend, Analysis & Synthesis, Conclusion are very important to produce a 200-words MUET report writing. Let’s have a look at the items for MUET report writing, one by one. Refer to the sample question.

While the format is a lil bit the same as writing an essay (some say it is entirely different), MUET report writing emphasizes on writing what we find from the stimuli (visuals) given in the question. Hence the name “report” in its literal sense is actually a report, which requires some skills in writing.

1 Title

This may be extracted from the given instruction or found in the titles of the given stimuli. In other words, one may join a title from a visual to another visual. The number of words for the title is not counted.

e.g Drama Competition Prizes and the Number of Participants (2012-2013)


2 Introduction

A statement that clearly mentions the charts and includes specific data (year/month/week/day) when introducing the report.

For starters, the following opening sentences can be used;-

        • The chart shows.
        • Figure 1 shows …. And table 1 shows….
        • The visuals illustrate..
        • The stimuli demonstrate..

e.g The tables show Drama Competition Prizes and number of participants in secondary schools in 2012 and 2013.

3 Overview and General Trend (use either one)

  • Overview
    It shows the connection or the link between the visuals. The easiest way to link the idea between the visuals is to use words like influence, affect or other related words.

e.g The increase in the prize money for secondary schools in the Drama Competition from 2012 to 2013 might have influenced the increase in the number of participants in 2013.

  • General Trend
    It shows the overall movement or pattern of an item in comparison.

e.g Generally, there was an increase in prize money for all secondary school prizes from 2012 to 2013


4 Analysis

Before one needs to write analysis statements, please understand the following items:-

Key Feature (KF) – Refers to the items being discussed

Trend (T)                  – Refers to the change or movement of the data

Data (D)                     – Refers to the item that can be presented in percentage, frequency of popularity based on week, month or year.

Time Frame (TF)  – Points to the time (i.e days, months, years) of the data being talked about.

So what’s with the above items?

What are those items really about for MUET report writing? Well, it is safe to say that to write an analysis, slot in the above items to the formula below. Observe..



So let us try to construct 1 analysis using the above formula. Just look at the samples below. KEY FEATURES are highlighted in green where as the group of DATA are highlighted in red.

muet report writing
Observe the Data (in Red)

What about the TREND? I mean the movement of the data? The movement can be categorized into 4; increase, decrease, fluctuate and static. The best way is to use variety of synonyms like skyrocket, rise, boost, doubled, hike, plummet, plunge, fall etc etc. The TIME FRAME? Just refer to the stated years like 2012 and 2013.

Okay. Now using the formula i will write a basic sentence like this:- 

The third prize (KF) for primary school(KF) remained unchanged (T) at RM1,000-00 (D) but there was an increase (T) of RM1,000-00 from RM2,000-00 to RM3,000-00 (D) for secondary school over the two years from 2013 to 2014(TF).

Notice that we should include all the items (i.e KF + T + D + TF) in one sentence. 

More examples:

⇒ Both primary and secondary (KF) overall best drama prize money doubled (T) from RM1,300-00 to RM2,600-00 (D) and from RM1,800-00 to RM3,600-00 (D) respectively between 2012 and 2013 (TF).

Guess where are the items (i.e KF + T + D + TF) for the 3 examples below? 🙂

⇒ Secondary school’s second prize money had a higher boost from RM2,500-00 (2012) to RM4,000-00 (2013) than primary school’s which increased from RM1,500-00 to RM2,000-00 respectively in the two years.

⇒ Perak recorded the most participants in 2012 and 2013 with 29 and 54 respectively.

⇒ Meantime, Kedah charted the least with 11 and 22 participants each in 2012 and 2013.


5 Synthesis

A. Using superlative to compare 2 statements in 2 years that contain the above item. Comparison can be within the same stimulus as well. The appropriate superlatives (depending on the visuals) are highest and lowest

e.g. The lowest prize money went to the best actor for both schools at RM400-00 each in 2012.

B. Write a statement by making links (L) between the given stimuli (between visuals)

e.g. The almost double growth in the number of secondary school participants in all states in 2013 was probably due (L) to the increase in prize money from 2012 to 2013.


6 Conclusion

Rephrase the overview or the general trend.

Tip: Use an opposite voice i.e passive or active voice statement when rephrasing the overview.

e.g To conclude, the prize money in 2013 influenced the increase of the number of participants in secondary schools for year 2012 and 2013.

OR, simply rephrase by using other linking word when linking the ideas.

e.g In conclusion, the increase in prize money from 2012 to 2013 has an effecton the number of participants in secondary schools in 2013.


Below are the sample answer for MUET report writing.

Drama Competition Prizes and the Number of Participants in Secondary Schools.

The visuals demonstrate the Drama Competition Prizes and the Number of Participants for Secondary Schools in 2012 and 2013.

The increase in number of participants for secondary schools from 2012 to 2013 was influenced by the increase in the prize money for the secondary schools Drama Competition 2013.

The 1st prize money was recorded the highest in 2012 for primary and secondary school at RM2500-00 and RM3000-00 and in 2013, it showed a similar trend. Nevertheless, the best actor recorded the lowest prize money in 2012 for primary and secondary school each at RM400-00. For the overall best drama, the prize money increased twofold from RM1300-00 to RM2600-00 and from RM1800-00 to RM3600-00 between 2012 to 2013 respectively. While Perak recorded the most participants in 2012 and 2013 with 29 and 54 respectively, Kedah charted the least with 11 and 22 participants each in same years. Lastly, the third prize for primary school remained unchanged at RM1,000-00 but there was an increase of RM1,000-00 from RM2,000-00 to RM3,000-00 for secondary school over the past two years.

To conclude, the prize money in 2013 might have influenced the increase of the number of participants in secondary schools for year 2012 and 2013.

(UPDATED 2018)

How do you answer MUET Report Writing for “RANKING” question?

I will try to explain as simple as possible.

There are so many types of report writing questions and most of the times, the format used is the same as well; maybe needs a bit of tweaking. Again, the tweaking part is essential, depending on the type of question you receive.

I once wrote about how to answer report writing question back in 2014. You can do a quick search in my blog. Now, since I have my free time, I think I want to share about one of type of questions i.e RANKING.
Let say I just take a screenshot of the image shown below.

muet report writing

Take a look at the above stimuli and then answer these questions.

      1. Identify the key features(s)
      2. What are the suitable trend words to be used?
      3. Any linkers involved?
      4. Is there any connection between the 2 stimuli?
      5. Which is the suitable data to focus on?

So Cik Abang & Cik Adik? Can you provide the necessary info based on the above-mentioned question? If you are not so sure, well, check again. We need the information so that we can insert them in our report later. If you are still not sure, please refer to my previous explanation up there ⇑⇑⇑

Ok now, let’s write a report. Stay with me on this okay.  *wink*

Instruction: Using only the information given, analyse the World Airline Ranking and compare the World Airline Awards received by the Airlines. In your answer, you are to link the information given in the visuals. you should write 150 to 200 words.


Firstly, the TITLE. Just copy what’s in the instruction. “2011 World Airline Ranking & Award”. Or maybe you rephrase the idea like this “World Airline Ranking and award in 2011”.



Let’s focus on the introduction then. Just take the ideas of the title in table 1 and table 2. Here it goes..

Table 1 displays the world airline ranking in 2011 while table 2 shows the world airline awards in the same year.



What about the overview or overall trend or general trend? The are several “keywords” that you can use to show the connection between the 2 stimuli like“influenced”, “influenced by”, “affected”, “affected by”, “correlation”, “corresponded” or “correlated”. Now, say if you want to write a general trend based on the stimuli above, please start the sentence with “Generally” or “In general”. However, based on the question, we can see that the 2 visuals DON’T LINK AT ALL, ya.

Now, lets give it a try:-

Generally, there is no correlation between the world airline ranking and the awards in 2011.


In general, the world airline ranking in 2011 did not correlate with the world airline awards in the same year.

Can we use “influenced“, “influenced by“, “affected“, “affected by” as well? In my point of view, those words are not suitable to show linkage between the two ideas as well probably because the ranking placement does not portray the “Best” award. If you have different thoughts, drop’em in the comment section down below.



Before we proceed, have you identified the KEY FEATURES, DATA, TREND and TIME FRAME? Take a good look..

Bear in mind, we are dealing with Ranking question. As such, the keyword “rank” or rank-alike (i.e ranking or ranked) should be in the analyses and syntheses. Same goes to question about Rating, the word “rate” or rate-alike should be there.

Trend words
Remain unchange
Higher than
Lower than

Again, there’s a formula to write an analyses or if you are good enough, you could use the same formula to write syntheses. 




        • Qatar Airways (KF) rank increased (T) from 3rd (2010) to top rank (1st ) (D) in 2011 (TF).
        • Qatar Airways took the lead (1st ) in 2011 world airline ranking.
        • Thai Airways rank improved from 9th in 2010 to 5th in 2011.
        • Emirates Airline was ranked the lowest 10th (2011) whereas Turkish Airline was ranked the 10th in 2010.
        • Cathay Pacific was ranked the same for both years (2010 and 2011) at 4th.




        • Asiana Airlines was awarded Best Cabin Staff and Best Economy Class in 2011 even though it ranked 3rd.
        • Although Emirates ranked the lowest 2011, it was awarded the Best Inflight Entertainment.


Tips for constructing analyses / syntheses.

    • Use bracket “( )” for the Year or Data
    • Don’t use descriptive word like surpass / consistent / achieved / compared. Instead, just use trend words given above.
    • Don’t write or use “flowery language” as this is not an essay question.



Lastly, the conclusion. This part is a lil bit straight forward if you ask me. What I can say is that, the conclusion should mimic the overview/general trend. Start the sentence by using the word “Overall” or “In Conclusion”. Refer to the example below.

Overall, the world online ranking in 2011 did not correspond to the 2011 world airline award.

Just a reminder, we used “did not correspond” because we could not fink a link between the 2 visuals up there.

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