Batman v Superman : Man v God : Night v Day

I’m gonna destroy him” – Batman

What would Batman, a mortal being, could do when there living around us, an alien that could literally wipeout our very existence, us, the human race! Is there anybody amongst us who would stand up and fight the mighty power god-like superhuman? What would it take to battle man of steel mano a mano? Million dollar tech and suit? Agility? Super ability? Intellect? Or the very substance, kryptonite, that could weaken or might kill the alien that we cheer “superhero”?

How could a Man v “God”?

Maybe the only answer to the questions could be found in the second Batman v Superman trailer, or maybe not, or maybe just a glimpse of what Warner Bros and the gang want us to believe. Call it whatever you like, a marketing stunt, a teaser etc. We would never know the actual storyline, whether the film is going to follow what is written in the comics before. Both you and I know it, if that happens, where’s the thrill in that? *LOL*

Initially, when Warner Bros and DC comics had the idea to produce Batman vs Superman movie, i was a bit skeptical. To an extent, how a man could battle an invincible super alien namely Kal-El? That being said, the trailer proves it all. WB and DC seem manage to pull it off, successful or not, we have to watch it next year. With a powerful casts yet controversial, I personally think that the 2nd installment is going to portray a darker version of either the Cape Crusader or the Superman himself.

What can we see later in the movie?

Well, from the trailer, definately we could see Robin in flashback killed by the Joker, the new joker acted by Jared Leto. I ought to see this because, to date, the Joker in the Dark Knight is the best so far. We have yet to see Jared made the best of his Joker character in Suicide Squad movie (Will see Will Smith in Suicide Squad movie as well). Opps, the focus here is on Robin and not Joker. Just look at Robin’s suit.

Next, Wonder Woman is seen in the trailer. Twice, if my sight didn’t deceive me. I wanna see Gal Gadot in action. Who doesn’t? *wink*
Man v God

Then, Superman’s all-time nemesis Lex Luthor in his wierd looking wig. Or Is it a wig? I dont know, but he looks like a kind of wierdo in a circus taming a lion.

So for the 2nd trailer, love it or hate it?

Go watch the trailer, and if you could break them into sections we could guess a bit of the plot on how Batman’s rage begins. And towards the end of the teaser, the suspense begins while Superman stands on the tumbler, Batman slowly stands up from the tumbler’s seat and face the Man of Steel! Awesome!!!!!



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