Listening sub-skill

Listening for specific information

Which one is a good strategy?

Listening for information

I was away for 4 days and haven’t had time to snoop around the blogs in the Internet. ? But one thing i discovered days ago, turns out that i had problems to identify which information is important and which is not when i attended an Online Learning course organize by IPGM. What i did was, browsed the world wide web and i came across one lesson that can help improving the listening skill, in particularly for identifying specific info. (frequent practice is required).

Here goes..

Listening may be one of the most difficult language skills to master. Some students often have the mistaken belief that their limited language skills prevent them from applying listening and note-taking strategies that they learn. Unlike reading or writing, when we listen we don’t have the same opportunity to stop and look up difficult words and we do not control the speed of the information. One of the best ways to improve our listening comprehension is to develop and practice listening strategies i.e listening for main ideas. There are several activities that can be practiced.

Warm up

In this task, let’s predict what specific information we will hear and we will have to listen for information. Before we begin, let’s think about the way we listen for specific information in our day to day lives.

When we ask for directions to a place, do we listen to understand every single word or just the main directions? It depends on our purpose. If we are trying to remember the main directions, we probably listen for street names, landmarks, and left or right. Continue reading “Listening sub-skill”