Can’t Keep Up? 3 things to know about Japanese Occupation In Malaya

Japanese Occupation In Malaya


“An assignment that i did based on what i read from the books and internet articles regarding the Japanese Occupation In Malaya, and i summarized it for easy understanding. BTW, does anybody read this kind of issue anymore? :)”


Japanese Army invaded Malaya in Kota Bharu on December 8, 1941. Japanese forces had successfully conquering the airspace throughout Malaya and Singapore within less than two and a half months. The Japanese Occupation in Malaya began on February 15, 1942 and during the Japanese occupation for three and a half years, various policies have been implemented to strengthen their position. All policies have a huge impact on social, political and economic life of Malaya. The People were in sufferings and depressed by the Japanese government policy.

japanese occupation


  1. Social effect

Social effects of Japanese occupation in Malaya led to more distant relationship between the races. Japanese military gave a different treatment according to race where the Malays and Indians were treated well by the Japanese, and Chinese treated unfairly. The Malays have been appointed as the Japanese “Kempeitai” assigned to catch the Chinese. This increased the hatred among the Chinese against the Malays resulting thicker inter-ethnic hostility between the Malays and Chinese. Hence, the Chinese sought shelter in the woods to avoid Japanese military threat. Continue reading “Can’t Keep Up? 3 things to know about Japanese Occupation In Malaya”

Bahaya: ketagihan mee bodoh tengkera

Tentang “mee bodoh” kat Tengkera Melaka


Aku telah menetap di melaka sejak pertengahan tahun 2010, dan baru kini aku berkesempatan untuk pergi ke kedai makan Mee Goreng Hassan. Setelah sekian lama aku terbaca dan terdengar tentang apa yang dinamakan sebagai mee bodoh ni, barulah tergerak hati aku untuk kesana pada hari ni.

Jam menunjukkan pukul 9 pagi, dan selepas selesai segala urusan, aku isteri dan anakku pun pergi menuju ke gerai tu dari masjid tanah. Perjalanan ke sana mengambil masa lebih kurang 40minit. Berbekalkan harapan agar kami sekeluarga dapat menjamu hidangan disana, kami sanggup tidak mengambil sarapan pagi dirumah seperti kebiasaannya. Lokasi yang kami tuju ialah ke tengkera dan melihat pada google map, ianya berdekatan dengan Methodist Girl school.

Credit: Kembara Sang Petai


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Agak2 Metallica akan datang ke Malaysia lagi tak?


Setelah bertahun2 menunggu, akhirnya Metallica dapat buat konsert di Malaysia. Sebelum ni, aku ada dgr cerita, ada juga beberapa attempt untuk metallica buat performance kat sini, tp tak dapat masuk. Atas sebab2 apa, aku pun kurang pasti.
Berbalik pada cerita asal aku, bila dgr je metallica nak buat persembahan, aku n kawan2 aku pun terus booking lalu internet dah kawan aku tolong amikkan ticket kat kl nu haa..